A Lawn Made Perfect: The Perks of Artificial Grass for Dogs

grass for dogsYou just got your beautiful new sod installed. Or you just spent the day fertilizing, mowing, and watering–you’re so close to getting the lawn look you’ve always wanted!

Then your dog (or that pesky neighbor dog) pees on it. It’s not your dog’s fault: he has to use the bathroom and you can’t always take him somewhere else to do it.

So how to reconcile wanting a beautiful, green lawn and having a dog? Artificial grass! Versatile for a number of settings and locations with the look and feel of the real thing, discover the six benefits of installing artificial grass for dogs!

1. No More Worries About Dead Grass, Any Time of Year

Isn’t it every lawn owner’s dream to have a lush, green, impenetrable lawn year-round? Imagine not having to mow, edge, or weed EVER. And better yet: imagine that money you’d save on your water bill!

Did you know that the average American family pays $70 for water per month? That’s over $800 per year! And that number is just water for inside the house, like showers, laundry, and sinks. So you spend more than that if you regularly water your lawn!

Not only could you get green grass year-round, but you could also get it no matter what your dog does to it! If you cherish your family’s beloved Fido (as you should) but are done worrying about dead grass, look into artificial grass.

It’s easy, saves you money, saves you time and energy, and your dog can’t create dead patches everywhere. For a lawn and dog owner, that’s a win if there ever was one!

2. No More Bugs or Weeds

Tired of your dog coming in with little bites, scratches, and irritated senses? Real grass comes with hundreds of bugs and irritating weeds. They eat the grass, things in the grass, and love to live among the blades.

It’s extra frustrating because you rarely see them, but you certainly see the bites on your dog’s paws and legs. Here are some common lawn insects that might currently live in your natural grass:

  • Chinch bugs
  • Sod webworms
  • Cutworms
  • Armyworms
  • Billbugs (weevils)
  • White grubs (beetle larvae)
  • Gnats
  • Japanese beetles
  • Mole crickets

Your dog hates getting bitten by these pests as much as you do. Do him (and yourself) a favor and replace your bug-infested grass with artificial grass.

You can also say goodbye to annoying, ugly, ever-present weeds! Your artificial grass will be weed-free, which is less yard work for you and less irritating for your dog’s eyes, nose, and mouth.

3. No More Hard Surfaces

Do you have a random, annoying slab of concrete that is useless to you? What about hard, unbroken dirt ground? These hard surfaces aren’t conducive to your pup having a fun, carefree time in your yard.

Replace your hard surface with artificial grass! It’s an easy fix that doesn’t require tearing up the concrete, tilling the ground, hauling in topsoil, or planting anything.

All it takes is the right artificial grass, the right glue, and simple installation. Your dog will love it and you will too.

Did you know you can also install artificial grass in places like condo communities and luxury apartments? Artificial grass is perfect for dog runs, dog parks, kennels, and more.

You don’t have to worry about taking care of or replacing real grass in these establishments, or only providing hard surfaces for the residents’ pets. It’s an easy, efficient solution for you and your tenants!

4. No More Harmful Lawn Chemicals

How often do you mow your lawn and possibly drip gasoline? How often do you cover your grass in fertilizer or spray it with weed killer?

Lawn products are often unsafe and unhealthy for animals, especially your dog, who has the most exposure to them. Yes, you can spend your life looking for pet-friendly lawn chemicals, but why not just skip them altogether?

Wouldn’t it be nice to just never have to worry about it? Now that’s possible! There’s no need to spray, cover, or treat your grass when it’s synthetic.

You can help protect your dog’s health and safety. Get rid of your need for dangerous yard chemicals.

5. No More Filthy Dogs

Most dog owners with real grass dread letting their pup out after the rain. Why? Because they come back inside covered in mud, dirt, and grass.

If you had artificial grass, you wouldn’t have to hesitate to let them out ever again! And no more diligently wiping their paws before they can track mud all over the house.

No mud, no grass blades pulled up, no mess. You’ll never regret the switch over the artificial grass, especially during the rainy season.

6. No More Eating Grass

One of the most common puppy behaviors is inexplicably eating grass. A lot of the time, it’s because they might feel sick and want to throw up. Some of the time that’s not the case.

Some dogs just like to eat grass. For some it’s a nervous habit, for others it’s out of boredom. Either way, it tends to make them sick.

Tired of your dog eating grass despite all his training and your warnings? Then get rid of your grass! Artificial grass doesn’t have the same “eat me” draw as real grass, so you can say goodbye to inconvenient puppy vomit after a trip outside.

Need more reasons to install synthetic grass? Check out this page with plenty of good reasons, perks, and benefits you might not have considered.

Artificial Grass for Dogs Is the Only Way to Go

Love your dog but hate dead yellow patches in your lawn? Natural grass is the problem, not your cute pooch.

Artificial grass is the best and only grass for dogs! Say goodbye to unsightly brown spots, watering your dog’s markings to no avail, and buying and re-buying expensive fertilizer.

If you’re in the Jupiter, Florida area, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us with questions, comments, or for more information!
