Artificial Turf Maintenance: 7 Ways to Keep Your Grass Greener

artificial turf maintenance

Dreaming of gaining those 2-3 hours a week back from mowing the lawn? Not only is artificial turf low maintenance, but it’s cleaner as well. No dirt in your pool. No more dog trekking mud inside your home.

In this article, you’ll learn all about artificial turf maintenance and making sure it’s as bright and green as possible. Read on to discover how to capture the look of grass without the care.

Why Artificial Grass

Artificial grass doesn’t have the same needs or time as traditional lawn maintenance does. It stays healthy and presentable even though it’s low-maintenance. If you’re tired of allergens, hours wasted taking care of your lawn, or high water costs, an artificial lawn could be for you.

Another plus is it won’t grow weeds, diseases, or fungi. It does require some care and maintenance to maintain its best and presentable look. Thankfully, any stains that occur are quick to clean up and don’t take much time at all.

Benefits of Artificial Grass

There are many benefits to artificial grass, including the low-maintenance and that it’s environmentally friendly. You don’t have to worry about carbon emissions from lawnmowers or using toxic fertilizers. How about wear and tear from children playing?

Notice how with a traditional lawn, parts of the lawn won’t grow because of wear and tear? Say goodbye to wear and tear problems and mud trekking everywhere. If your dog tears up the yard, an artificial turf can’t be dug up as easily. Also, forget those muddy paws a dog can bring in from real grass.

Would you like a roof garden? Sometimes a roof isn’t strong enough to support a natural turf, but artificial grass could fit nicely. Also, no more grass clippings.

1. Have the Right Equipment

Even with artificial grass, you’ll still want to keep your hose, rake, and leaf blower. You’ll want to use the leaf blower to get rid of any debris on your turf. Whether it’s fall and the leaves are falling or branches after a storm, you’ll want a leaf blower to take care of them.

You’ll want to choose one area of your yard and blow all the leaves toward it. Once all the debris is together, you can easily remove it. The great part is you should only have to pass over your artificial turf once to get all of the debris.

To keep the grass brushing upward, you can use a brush or rake. If you go with a brush, make sure it has soft bristles. A broom or rake is a better option than a brush though.

Start in one corner of your yard and go horizontally as you brush. When you’ve reached the opposite end, take a step back and repeat the process. Always brush against the natural grain of the artificial grass.

To clear the grass of dirt or spills, use a garden hose. You can safely rinse the entire yard with your garden hose. Make sure as you’re using the hose to do it lightly as too much pressure can damage the grass.

Start from one end of your yard and move across the lawn with a circular motion.

2. Cleaning Mild Stains

Accidents happen. A plate or drink could fall on the ground at a BBQ or other instances. You’ll want to clean up any stains immediately. For stains that are from liquid, blood, or urine, you’ll want to blot the stain with a towel or dry absorbent.

Then, mix water and a mild household detergent together and rinse the affected area. If you need a stronger solution, you can use a small amount of ammonia in water instead of detergent. Next, clean the solution out with cool water.

Most stains will easily come off of your turf. You’ll want to avoid using fireworks and cigarettes on it.

3. Stubborn Stain Removal

If suntan oil, pen ink, grease, motor oil, crayons, or tougher stains wind up on your turf, try using mineral spirits to remove the stain if the milder stain process doesn’t work. After applying the mineral spirits, rinse the area and then blot up any extra liquid.

4. Sticky Item Removal

Items like chewing gum or tree sap can wind up on your lawn. They’re easy to remove with aerosol refrigerants or ice. Once you use one of those, you can then easily scrape the sticky item off.

5. Pet Waste Removal

Artificial grass maintenance for pet waste isn’t much work at all. You’ll want to first let the solid waste dry before removing it.

6. Avoid Treading on Grass During the Winter

Snow won’t damage your lawn, but walking on it too much can turn the snow into ice. This could damage the blades of grass. Wait until the ice and snow melt before walking on your lawn again.

Don’t use salt to melt the snow or ice since the residue can damage the grass and prevent it from draining properly.

7. Treat Weeds

A great benefit of artificial turf is not having to worry about weeds as much. If weeds start popping up around your turf, make sure to use weed killers that are safe to use on artificial turf.

Artificial Turf Maintenance

Artificial turf maintenance is much lower maintenance than traditional lawns. Gain back the hours wasted on mowing the lawn and weed whacking.

Are you ready to get started on your beautiful and green low-maintenance artificial turf? Contact us today. We look forward to providing you with the lawn of your dreams.
