Artificial Grass Palm Beach Gardens

Florida has three types of unwelcomed subterranean visitors that will destroy the appearance of your yard and create opportunities for twisted ankles and nasty falls. These burrowing varmints leave mounded trails of disturbed ground as they feed on your grass and vegetation turning your manicured backyard into a patch work of dirt piles and bare spots. Who are these trespassers? Moles, Voles and Gophers (MVG) are the culprits, and your solution may be Artificial Grass.

Moles Voles and gophers

Moles, Voles and Gophers (MVG) all construct very similar living quarters in your yard. They dig in and create a nest area where they reside, store food and raise their young. At the level of the nest area are permanent tunnels, underground highways, where they move from feeding runway to feeding runway and occasionally access the surface through portals. It is the feeding runways and portals that ruin the surface of your yard. Each creature has its own unique appearance and habits, but their subterranean living arrangements all have the same impact on your yard.

Mole Hills

Synthetic Turf may offer the right solution if you homestead has been invaded by MVG. Artificial Grass installed with our exclusive MVG Guard can discourage the invaders from taking up residence in your yard. MVG Guard is a one-inch mesh high durability plastic mesh similar to garden fencing that fends off rabbits from stealing your vegetables and ornamentals. The mesh is installed over the substrate after excavation and before the base installation that is under the Synthetic Turf. With MVG Guard the base is three inches of 89 stone which is laid over the mesh and compacted through the mesh into the substrate. The 89 stone, as it is compacted, locks into the substrate and the mesh creating a reinforced barrier that Moles/Voles/Gophers cannot penetrate.


Complete Synthetic Turf is offering a free installation of MVG Guard with each new Artificial Lawn installation contracted in May of 2022. Solve your Mole and Gopher problems and create a backyard that is beautiful and secure from invasion. Let Complete Synthetic Turf give you a Free Consultation, Design and Estimate and Free MVG Guard today.

Artificial Grass Palm Beach Gardens

Florida Mole problems
