20181116_120340.jpgWhile you’re Marie-Kondoing your house, prepping your yard for weekend soirees, and doing your annual spring cleaning, don’t neglect your lawn. Preventative maintenance is just like an annual check-up, and checking in on your home’s exterior and yard – including your synthetic turf, is important too.

While you’re not having to spray weed killer or do heavy maintenance, an annual inspection to find and fix any small problems you may find before they turn into larger issues. A quick look can allow you to focus on outdoor fun the rest of your free time, without worries.

Artificial grass is an obvious choice for lots of reasons — it looks good, you’re saving money by not having to water your lawn, you’re not introducing harmful chemicals, and it requires minimal maintenance.


Where do you start? It’s simple!

  1. Pick up debris as soon as you can! Branches can cause rips in the lining, and dog droppings (or bird droppings) are an open invite to mold or smells. Use a rake, power broom, or hose soiled spots as soon as you can.
  2. Rinse accumulated dust and dirt away every so often. Because it drains and dries quickly, you won’t miss getting to use your lawn but for a few minutes!
  3. Use a stiff natural bristle brush to fluff up high-traffic areas that show wear. As your fluff, inspect your turf for any noticeable wear or tears. Just a little effort goes a long way, and you’ll be enjoying your turf for years to come.

The next time you host a party, let your lawn put it’s the best foot forward by looking as great as it did the first day it was installed, thanks to routine attention.
