Putting Green Installation in Sewall's Point

The United States Golf Association defines par as: “the score that an expert player would be expected to make for a given hole. Par means expert play under ordinary weather conditions, allowing two strokes on the putting green.” If you are looking for the best company for Putting Green Installation in Sewall’s Point look no further than Complete Synthetic Turf!

The key part of this definition is, “…allowing two strokes on the putting green.” The course layout can change, the ball can be configured differently, and the clubs can be oozing technology and state-of-the-art materials, but you only get two putts to make par. Of course, you can reach the Par 5 Green in two and three putts to make par… and just how frustrating is that for you?

USGA and R&A Distance Insights Report published in 2020 noted ‘the average length of 18-hole courses between 1900 and the 1930s grew from 5,400-5,500 yards to 6,200-6,300 yards. That range grew to between 6,600-6,700 yards by the 1990s. In the 2010s, the range was up to 6,700-6,800 yards, and the longest courses being constructed were over 7,400 yards.’

From 1900 to the 1930s, elite golfer driving distances rose from a range of 160-200 yards to between 220-260 yards, thanks in large part to the adoption of the rubber-core ball. From the 1930s to the early 1990s, the average driving distance on the PGA Tour increased to 263 yards. But by 2003, as multi-layer balls and larger, titanium drivers were adopted, the average rose to 286 yards. Equipment technology is constantly pushing course distances. In 2019, the combined average driving distance on the PGA and European Tours was 294 yards, with the 20 longest hitters averaging 310. The USGA says the upward trend in distance is expected to continue in the future. The PGA reported that in in 2021, the entire PGA Tour’s average is almost at the 300-yard mark. This year’s 295.3-yard average is the second longest ever (second only to 2020’s average of 296.4 yards).

Remember the key part of the definition, “…allowing two strokes on the putting green.”? Take note that you may have to travel further to reach your two-shot opportunity and technology may get you there with fewer strokes, but you still only have two putts. You could be playing into the world’s largest putting green https://golf.com/news/worlds-largest-artificial-putting-green-is-a-crazy-43000-square-feet/, but you still only have two shots.

When you have a limited opportunity, you should maximize your ability to take full advantage of what you have available. The expression is “Practice Makes Par”. Go to your Club or local Golf Course and spend as much time on the Practice Putting Green as you do on the Driving Range. We tend to hit a bucket or two of balls on the Driving Range and take a dozen putts on the Practice Green. Rarely do we practice getting out of a bunker or approach shots inside 120 yards. We all should remember the adage, “Drive for Show – Putt for Dough.” We should all be very stingy with our two-stroke opportunity, it is all we get.

Three years ago, we were all on the run going to appointments and meetings and juggling work and leisure time, and family time. Today we still feel the impact of Covid on our lives and spend more time at home. This should be the perfect time to put in a backyard putting green. Depending on the size of your property and where you want to concentrate your practice you may wish to a compact three-hole green to focus on just putting or perhaps a little larger green with a bunker that can take a shop from 10 or 12 yards. Then again, you may have the space to put in several hitting stations going out to 100 yards plus bunkers. Whatever your vision we can help you design your Green and make it a reality giving you hours of entertainment in your backyard with your family and giving you an easier Path to Par.  https://completesyntheticturf.com/improve-my-putting/

Putting Green Installation in Sewall’s Point
