Artificial Grass For Pets

Your beautiful new sod is now installed. You’ve just spent the entire day watering, fertilizing, and mowing your lawn. Your dog, or the neighbor’s dog, will then pee on it. It is not your fault. Your dog must go to the bathroom. How can you reconcile having a beautiful green lawn with owning a dog? Artificial grass! Artificial grass is versatile for many settings and places. It has the appearance and feel of real grass. Here are six benefits of artificial grass for dogs. If you are looking for the most reliable company to install Artificial Grass For Pets look no further than Complete Synthetic Turf!

1. There are no worries about dead grass at any time of the year

It is every lawn owner’s dream that their lawn is lush, green, and impenetrable all year. Imagine never again having to mow, edge or weed your lawn. Imagine how much money you could save on your water bill.

Did you know that the average American household pays $70 per month for water? This is more than $800 per annum! This is for water inside the house. It doesn’t include laundry and sinks. If you water your lawn regularly, you will spend more.

You could get green grass all year round, and it could even be available no matter how your dog treats it. Artificial grass is a great option if you love your dog and don’t want to worry about it dying.

It’s simple, it saves money, you save time, and energy and your dog won’t leave behind dead patches. This is a win-win situation for both dog and lawn owners.

2. No More Weeds and Bugs

Are you tired of your dog getting little scratches and bites from strangers? There are hundreds of insects and irritating weeds in real grass. They love to live among the grass and eat things that are in it.

This is more frustrating as you don’t see them often, but you can see their bites on your dog’s legs and paws. These common grass insects might be found in your natural lawn.

  • Chinch bugs
  • Sod webworms
  • Cutworms
  • Armyworms
  • Billbugs (weevils)
  • White grubs (beetle larvae)
  • Gnats
  • Japanese beetles
  • Mole crickets

These pests are just as disgusting to your dog as they are to you. Do your dog (and yourself) the favor of replacing bug-infested grass by artificial grass.

Also, you can say goodbye to unsightly, annoying, and ever-present weeds. Artificial grass is weed-free which means less work for you, less irritation for your dog’s eyes and nose, and less hassle for their ears.

3. There are no more hard surfaces

Are you frustrated by a random slab of concrete? You might also consider hard, unbroken dirt. These hard surfaces don’t encourage your dog to have fun and be carefree in your yard.

Artificial grass can be used to replace your existing hard surface. This is a simple fix that does not require any digging, tilling, topsoil hauling, or even planting.

It takes only the right artificial grass, the correct glue, and simple installation. It will be a hit with your dog and you.

You can install artificial grass in condo communities and luxury apartments. Artificial grass is ideal for dog runs, dog parks, and kennels.

These establishments don’t require you to care about replacing or caring for real grass, or providing hard surfaces for residents’ pets. This is a simple, effective solution that you can offer your tenants.

4. No Harmful Lawn Chemicals

Do you mow your lawn or do you use gasoline to spray it? How often do your apply fertilizer to your lawn or spray it with weedkiller?

Many lawn products can be dangerous and harmful to pets, especially dogs. You can spend your entire life searching for lawn chemicals that are pet-friendly, but why not just stop looking?

It would be great to not have to worry about it. It’s possible now! When your grass is synthetic, there’s no need for you to spray, cover or treat it.

Your dog’s safety and health can be protected by you. Reduce your use of hazardous yard chemicals.

5. No More filthy dogs

Dog owners who have real grass fear letting their dogs out in the rain. Why? They come back covered in dirt, mud, and grass.

Artificial grass would be so easy to use that you would never hesitate to let your pets out. You don’t have to keep them from licking their feet so they don’t track mud everywhere.

No mud, no grass blades pulled up, and no mess. Artificial grass is a great choice, especially in the rainy season.

6. No More Eating Grass

Inexplicably, a common behavior for puppies is to eat grass. It’s possible that they feel sick or want to vomit. Sometimes, however, this is not true.

Some dogs love grass. Some dogs do it out of boredom, while others are anxious about it. It can make them sick.

Are you fed up with your dog eating grass despite your warnings and training? Get rid of the grass! Artificial grass isn’t as “eat me” as real grass so it won’t be as annoying to have your dog vomit after a walk outside.

Want more reasons to use synthetic grass? This page has many benefits and good reasons to install synthetic grass.

Artificial Grass is the only way to go for dogs

Do you love your dog, but don’t like the yellow spots on your lawn? Your cute dog is not the problem.

Artificial grass is the best grass for dogs. You can say goodbye to unsightly brown spots and to wasting money on fertilizer.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are in Jupiter, Florida. For questions, comments, or more information, contact us

Artificial Grass For Pets


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