The Perfect Home Putting Green

A wise Pro once said, “You’ll never find your Game in the middle of a round, you have to bring it with you.” About half the game of golf is putting. When golf course designers calculate par for each hole, they determine the strokes needed to reach the green and then add two putting strokes. Never more, never less, always two strokes. Having a backyard Putting Green gives you the chance to bring that half of your Game with you to the course. If you are looking for a company to install The Perfect Home Putting Green look no further than Complete Synthetic Turf!

But it’s not just about improving your game. With Putting Green in your backyard, you can include your entire family in the fun and maybe, along the way, ignite a spark in your daughter or son that will stay with them for years to come playing an important part in their business and social futures. You may even motivate your husband or significant other to want to take up the game.

Of course, you have to be aware of your jealous neighbors and friends who will be angling for an invitation to spend some time on your Putting Green or to be invited to your next social gathering so they can get in a few strokes. If you are looking for a company to install The Perfect Home Putting Green look no further than Complete Synthetic Turf!

It all sounds great, but what about the maintenance? Today’s synthetic turfs make maintaining your own putting green easy. No watering. No cutting. No re-seeding. You don’t need to worry about your dog ruining it. Your artificial putting green turf is there for you, your family, and your friends to enjoy all year round.

Your Putting Green is only limited by the space you have available and your imagination. What type of Putting Green you should have; Nylon, Sand Filled, or Hybrid, if you want Hitting Stations, Bunkers, or one or two cuts of Fringe, are all decisions that may be made working with an experienced professional. Your professional consultant can help you sort through the practicalities of your project and develop the best design to achieve your personal goals. Obviously, you’re not looking to roll out a piece of plastic grass in the back corner, poke some holes in it and start practicing.

Any putting green worth having is going to be custom designed to fit your property and your preferences. In truth, you have so many design options, the sky’s the limit. Having an experienced, professional help you with a custom design is critical to creating the ideal putting green for your yard.

The purpose of this ebook is to help you understand the many options that are available to you during the design process. Fully prepared, you and your Putting Green consultant can design the backyard green of your dreams. If you can imagine it, we can build it.

When you’re dreaming about your own personal putting green – what do you see?

Are you waking up early every day to putt on a replica of your dream hole at your favorite golf course, so you’re ready to ace it the next time you’re on the course? Maybe you’re with friends enjoying some putting on the weekend, while your kids run around and play on it during the week?

Do you consider yourself an avid golfer? You want this personal putting green for one reason – to improve your game. You want your own putting green so you can have that quiet time every morning and evening to work on your game. Sure, you’ll share time on your putting green with other golfers on the weekends. But it’s all about improving your short game. Think about how you’ll feel when the Game you bring with you to the course is always better.

Or perhaps you’re more of a leisure golfer. You love the idea of how easy and convenient it will be for you to get in some extra putting time whenever possible. But for you, your putting green is more about the social aspect of golfing, rather than upping your game for your next round.

That’s what makes artificial putting greens so great. They combine the flexibility of giving you the best of both worlds. True realistic ball performance combined with unmatched flexibility in design. How you intend to use your putting green is the first and most critical clarification you need to make as it will dictate what sort of putting green product you should choose.

There are three basic grades of artificial putting greens: Nylon Putting Greens which is designed for putting practice and Bump and Run. Nylon Greens are not set up to receive a shot from five-plus yards out. The ball will not “Check Up” and will tend to dribble across the surface rather than take a Single bounce and checkup. One of the other types of Putting Greens is Sand Filled. This surface can be designed to receive a shot from 100 or more yards and when the ball hits the surface it will react like a Putting Green on your favorite course or at your club. The third type of Putting Green is a Hybrid which can receive a shot from under thirty yards with a realistic finish. Each type of green can be adjusted to satisfy your desires for Stimp and distance.

Aesthetically, all three Putting Greens are gorgeous. They’re also flexible enough to comply nicely with whatever design details your backyard and imagination required. The slopes, curves, undulations, and fringe around the green – designed with your turf consultant, give you plenty of options to meet your performance requirements.

The difference lies in their playability. More specifically, the Nylon turf is slightly slower than the Sand Filled turf. The Sand-filled turf can also be rolled to create a slower or faster-putting surface, whichever you might desire. It can be “Dialed In”. Most of our avid golfers like to roll their Sand Filled green to a 12 or 13  stimpmeter rating.

One of the greatest challenges you may have when designing your own putting green is feeling restricted by the backyard you have. There are always some natural limitations. For example, you can’t extend your green across your property line, no matter how friendly you are with your neighbors. If you are looking for a company to install The Perfect Home Putting Green look no further than Complete Synthetic Turf!

But other than staying within your own property lines, you aren’t terribly constrained by the current layout of your lawn. You have more options than you think. Here are some other common design issues you’ll want to ask your design consultant about, instead of assuming you can’t get what you want:


Don’t assume your space is too small, typically we like to see at least 300 sqft, which is enough to provide your green with a break left, a break right, and at least 2 holes. Your design consultant can get creative with the undulations and fringe to find ways to get you more than one angle or one hole in a smaller space.


You don’t have to work in a putting green hole around that steep drop in your lawn. Nor are you condemned to a boring, flat putting green just because your backyard is flat.

Complete Synthetic Turfs’ installation crews and consultants have nearly 50 years of experience in converting every imaginable type of backyard element into the Putting Green you imagined. They will build what you have designed.


In addition to creating slopes and undulations on your putting green, you can also create a variety of angles and breaks to make a hole as challenging or as inviting as you want. You might see your backyard as one long, large rectangle, but creative use of the fringe area and sand traps can turn it into a sinuous flow of putting green holes. If you are looking for a company to install The Perfect Home Putting Green look no further than Complete Synthetic Turf!


…we can build it. Complete Synthetic Turfs’ crew members and consultants have built thousands of artificial turf Putting Greens in a multitude of designs. We’ve built multi-hole greens on palatial estates, driving ranges, or practice areas at a number of public courses and even a 42,000-square Foot Putting Green in a Golf Community in Florida. If you can dream it, we really can build it.

The beauty of artificial turf is both aesthetic and practical. You can relish the look and feel of your artificial turf putting green without being weighed down by the high maintenance needs required of natural grass.

Regardless of whether you’re an avid or leisure golfer, the backyard putting green of your dreams is possible.

Take the time to speak with a Complete Synthetic Turf consultant. Our team has the experience to guide you through the conversation to clarify your vision. We’ll walk with you through your property so you can specify the design elements you’re envisioning when you picture yourself on your custom-built backyard putting green.

Enjoying the putting green of your dreams is just a phone call away.

The Perfect Home Putting Green


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